Android Architecture
2 min readMay 9, 2019

5 Layered Architecture :
- Linux Kernel
- Libraries
- Application Framework
- Application
- Android Runtime
Linux Kernel
- main work of kernel is to get work from hardware.
- e.g. :
- Display Driver
- Camera Driver : turn on camera, turn off, take picture
- Audio Driver
- Wifi Driver : wifi on/off
Kernel has main 3 parts :
- Device Driver : get work through a particular device(Memory chip, Camera like that)
- Memory Management : Manage the entire memory(which files place where)
- Process Management : playing movies, musics, turn on Blue-tooth
- It is some logical groups and some logical instructions that we want to give to kernel to perform and actions.
- e.g. :
- SQLite Libraries
- OpenGL
- Surface Manager
we can see some libraries :
- C/C++ Libraries
- Interface through Java
- Surface Manager
- 2D and 3D graphics
- Media Codes
Application Framework
- It is a set of services that collectively form the environment in which Android applications run and are managed.
- It can be use as reusable, interchangeable and replaceable components of Application.
- Developer make things easier and understandable.
- They can do things without going deep layers, like getting call.
- e.g. :
- Telephone Manager :- It can use for getting calls, making SMS.
- Activity Manager
- Notification Manager
Two parts :
- API Interface :- Manage Entire Application in a single way.
- Activity Manager :- Manages Application life cycle.
- application are build-in our phone Applications.
- It available phone itself are known as Applications.
- e.g. :
- Phone
- Contact
- Browser
Android Run-Time
DVM — Dalvik VM (like JVM — .jar)
- Dex file (.dex)
- Compact and efficient than class file
- Limited Memory and battery power
Core Library
- Collection of I/O etc.
- Java 5 Std edition