Azure AD with Angular Web App - part 05
Lets continue our fifth part related to Deploy Your Azure Web Application tutorial.

We can assign users and user roles to your Application. We have risky for protecting our web site properly.
- Some users can try to log with another IP
- If the user logged at Srilanka, the same user tries to log with Singapur network another 30 min. Then, you know that cannot be possible.
So, these kinds of users are categorized as risky users. We can assign a different mechanism.
- Block access
- Allow access with change password
We want a mechanism to allow authorized users and access denied for hackers. This is the component that you are suitable for these problems.
Conditional Access
- Sign-in-risk
- Network location
- Device Management
- Client application
Single sign-on
- If we have multiple services. then one user has multiple usernames and passwords. Then, admin hard to handle those.
- Thus, we can give one username and password for logging all services(according to the role) to users. That is easy to handle.
Active Directory
- It is an identity management service
- Allow multiple users
- Cloud base directory
Now, Get ready to create App Registration for For App authentication.
- Go to App Registration tab and click New Registration

- Add Authentication for Web App
- Remember, the Redirect URL must same as your app redirect URL. (App redirect URL set later in code)

2. After the Register app, you can see the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. So, You want to add to code in front end(Angular Web app)
2.1 Add Module for app.module.ts

2.2 You want to add your home page

2.3 And you want to add to app-routing.module.ts

3. You want to add Users who want to login to your web application.

- You want to remember to add user roles after add users.
Next, we go to part 06 related to Deploy Your Azure Web Application tutorial.